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Nanomedical Engineering Lab.

Welcome! This lab is focusing on the medical field, related to diagnosis and treatment using multifunctional nanomaterials.

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본 연구실의 연구 주제는 

다양한 기능의 나노물질을 이용하여

바이오메디컬 분야로 응용하고자 하는 것입니다. 

대표적으로, 조기진단을 위한 바이오센서와

효과적인 질병의 치료를 위한 약물전달 시스템을 개발하고자 하며,

세부적인 연구주제는 다음과 같습니다.

1. 엑소좀 안의 마이크로RNA 측정을 위한 나노 프로브 개발

2. 나노물질을 이용한 바이러스 DNA/RNA 측정

3. 약물 스크리닝 플랫폼 개발

4. 크리스퍼 유전자가위 기술 기반의 암 진단 및 치료

Our research interests are based on the biomedical field application, including early diagnosis and efficient therapy by using multifunctional nanomaterials.

Detailed research topics at present are below:

1. Development of nanobio sensing probe and platform for exosomal miRNA detection.

2. Viral DNA & RNA detection system by nanomaterials.

3. In vitro drug screening platform with nanobio system. 

4. CRISPR-based nanotherapeutics for cancer treatment. 

Latest Publications

CRISPR-Cas12a based nucleic acid amplification-free DNA biosensor via Au nanoparticle-assisted metal-enhanced fluorescence and colorimetric analysis

A CRISPR-Cas12a-assisted cell-free DNA (cfDNA) detection method was developed by using double-strand and single-strand DNA (dsDNA and ssDNA)-functionalized Au nanoparticles. Notably, this proposed method exhibited sensitivities that reached the femtomolar level without nucleic acid amplification. Both colorimetric and metal-enhanced fluorescence analysis can be exploited for the intuitive and sensitive measurement of target DNA within 30 min. 

Contact info.

Email address:

Phone: +82-63-270-4854

Mobile: +82-10-9143-2052

Office address: 211, College of Engineering Bldg. 6 (No.: 2-6) 

567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do, 54896, Republic of Korea

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